We are a friendly congregation bringing people to Jesus Christ by sharing the Good News of God's Love through our worship, fellowship, discipleship, out reach, and service.
Riek Fitzpatrick, Sr Warden
David McClure, Jr Warden
Becky Jusick, Secretary
Thea Lyons, Treasurer
Vicky Barnes
Joy Reale
Judy Valk
ecf Vital Practices for Leading Congregations

St. Jude's Episcopal Church was a mission of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, DeLand Florida. In June, 1982, the first meeting was held to discuss an Episcopal church in Orange City, Florida. There were 21 people present.
St. Jude’s first service was held Jan. 23, 1983, in a city-owned building adjacent to the Orange City Police Department. Ground breaking ceremonies for the new church took place on July 15, 1984, with first services being held on Nov. 18, 1984, with a membership of 65. Father William G. Hunt was the first Vicar.
The new building was dedicated by Bishop William Fowell on December 8, 1984. In 1986, the Rev. Christopher Young, retired naval Chaplain, assumed the role as Vicar. In 1989, the Rev. David Hartling became Vicar until 1994. The Rev. Wayne Neller joined the St. Jude’s family in 1994 as the first Rector, and in 1996 parish status was granted. The Rev. Andrew Faust served as rector from 2001-2005. Our current rector, The Rev. Phyllis Bartle, has been with us since September 1, 2006.
St. Jude's maintains a lovely Memorial Garden. Please call the office for information.